About me

From a very young age I loved painting and playing teacher. I remember in Salta, my hometown, when in the afternoon I looked at the hills and interpreted them in my own way with materials that I had within my reach.

In my adolescence we moved to the City of Buenos Aires with my family, a great change in my life, which I am grateful for because it allowed me to study my fine arts degree at the Prilidiano Pueyrredón school, an institution with a good academic level. A few years later I did a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts (UNA).

I had the privilege of teaching for 31 years, in two very beautiful and prestigious schools in Buenos Aires. My students were teenagers and it was a great experience that I value and appreciate, because it allowed me to develop my vocation and not only provide my knowledge, but also learn a lot from them.

At the same time, I participated in group exhibitions, illustrated books and developed painting and art history workshops.

Today, having finished such a valuable stage in my teaching life, I put on the plastic artist shirt to follow my creative evolution, something that I have carried with me since I can remember and is another of my passions. 

With respect to my painting, different stages can be observed:

A first figurative stage coincides with my stage as a fine arts student. I painted portraits, landscapes, compositions with animals, I loved at that time, interpreting naturalistic themes in my own way.

In the second stage of my work, there is a predominance of geometric shapes and abstraction also appears. These are works that transmit great energy, many contrasts of colors and transparencies are observed, they have great dynamism.

My third stage coincides with my move from the big city, such as Buenos Aires, to an area surrounded by nature. My paintings began to reflect flowers and leaves with a predominance of warm palette, but you can still see some geometry, surely manifesting my lifestyle, with many class schedules.

Finally, my present stage, which expresses great freedom, full of texture and colors, a very intense work between expressionism and informalism, a great game is produced where the viewer's imagination invites him to discover an endless number of figures and becomes a creator within my own work.

All these stages are a faithful reflection of my experiences and emotions.

I am infinitely grateful for following this path full of surprises, where the dialogue between the soul and thought combines.


Work experience:
1989 to 2022
National College of Buenos Aires Professor of Plastic Arts in 2nd and 3rd year.
1993 to 2022
Argentine Model School Professor of Plastics in 2nd and 3rd year.
2009 to 2022

Argentine Model School Direction of Art workshops in 4th year.

1996 and 1997
Argentine Model School Direction of Art History workshops in 4th year.

1995 and 1996
Women's Library and in the Duhau Palace Direction and conduct of annual private courses in Drawing, Painting and Art History.

1995 and 1996
Radio Cultura FM Hosting and writing radio programs called “Micros de Arte” broadcast on the programs “Negocio redondo” and “Asuntos Públicos”.

Administrative Auxiliary Thomist Society of the Secretariat of the Institute of Practical Philosophy.


Group exhibitions:

“Museum” 2023 edition Artekalon Space Gallery. (2nd abstract prize).

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, Milan Italy.
Abstract Art Gallery, Virtual Exhibition.
Art Sale 2013 Borges Cultural Center.
Artistic direction of students participating in the 2nd intercollegiate “have fun without alcohol” poster contest.
Obtaining an honorary diploma.

“University of Buenos Aires” CNBA Directorate of cultural extension.

“Art Space” Argentina Airports 2000.
Bollini Foundation.
“Nuevo Abasto XXI” art center.
General San Martín Cultural Center.
Hall of the Directorate of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Vicente López.
Museum of Decorative Art.
Parque Chacabuco Cultural Center.
Paintings - oils - at the Argentine Catholic University, Faculty of Engineering.


Individual expositions:
Pueyrredón Museum of San Isidro (individual exhibition).
Montserrat Restaurants; and Coventgarden.


2012 to 2014
Visual Arts Contest “On the path of Art” “Aída V. Mastrazzi” Dance School.

Studies Completed:

Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts with a focus on painting (IUNA).

National Drawing and Painting Teachers with authorization to teach Universal Art History at the Prilidiano Pueyrredón National School of Fine Arts.


Courses taken:
“NFT DOMINATION” course. “Non-FungibleToken” applicable to the plastic arts.

Course / Workshop “Cylindrical and Conical Projections – Perspective by method”, taught by the Dr. Gerardo H. Pagés Humanities Research Institute of the National College of Buenos Aires of the UBA.

Pedagogical training course for the polymodal system, taught at the Escuela Argentina Modelo.

Oratory course for communication taught at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the U.B.A.

Active member of the first training sessions in service and participation in institutional projects, held at the National College of Buenos Aires.

Active member of the first training sessions in service and participation in institutional projects, held at the National College of Buenos Aires.

Course: National Museum of Fine Arts on «Latest trends of the 20th century».

Refresher course in drawing and painting with Professor Beatriz Varela.


Anthology IV 2022, Madrid, Spain.
Book Art & Design, Art and Design Yearbook 2017, Uruguay.
Buenos Aires Edita S.A. Illustration of religious literary works.